Saturday, February 21, 2009


Benefits For Our Sponsors

Hey guys, I found this online:

"To identify areas of sponsorship, think of anything and everything that you will need to make your event successful, including: tables and chairs, table cloths, signs/placards, microphones and speakers, lights, printing and postage, music, food and drink, and anything else imaginable. Once you’ve identified everything on your list, create a proposal form of these items – with a dollar amount on each – to present to perspective sponsors.

You will also need to create a list of benefits to the sponsors to illustrate how a company’s outstanding support and commitment to the event will be recognized. These benefits may include:

1. Company logo identification in all promotional materials (tshirts, event program).
2. Registration brochures, posters/flyers, and on-site signage.
3. A display area at the event.
4. Opportunity for company employees to volunteer.
5. Opportunity to place items in goodie bags.
6. Tickets to the event, parties or award ceremonies associated with the event.
7. Monthly newsletter after the event will feature their logo.
8. Facebook Ads, Youtube, DVDs.

The higher the level of sponsorship, the more benefits they receive.

In-Kind Donations
Depending upon your event, you may want to ask area businesses to donate items or gift certificates, or ask restaurants, bakeries or caterers to donate food and/or drinks for your event. You may need equipment – from tables and chairs to sound and lighting – which could be donated by an equipment rental or event supply company. Likewise, you will need help promoting your event and sponsorship from a newspaper, TV or radio station is priceless! They can help you get the word out through public service announcements and popular personalities can act as honorary Event Chairs.
The possibilities for in-kind gifts are limitless. As with Event Sponsorships, the company name and logo can appear on signage and in media materials.

More benefits:

8. Being part of a HUGE worldwide movement.
9. Having a free intro talk for company employees (with discounts on AOL courses)
10. Advertising for one year after the event.
11. VIP package - trip to Ashram, meeting with Swamiji.
12. Restaurant sponsors - Free internship for organic farming/vegetarian cooking courses.
13. We will volunteer our services to the company/store. A YES!+ team can do promotion for the store/company for several hours, bringing in clientele.

We can offer sponsorship levels:


Why should people donate?

The youth of tomorrow are the consumers of tomorrow. They will make choices regarding which goods/services to purchase. If they are already aware of the company, they will be likely to go to them. Sponsors will get lots of visibility at eMerge! 2009, that will continue throughout the year with monthly newsletters, etc.

It's an advantage for you to partner up with us. We are just starting this movement in Canada.

We extend an opportunity for you to sponsor our event.


1 comment:

  1. That looks awesome! Good work. I especially like the VIP package idea.
